High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Item Code: EXPEC-5210
EXPEC 5210 is a new generation of LC-MS / MS, with excellent sensitivity and stability. It is suitable for a wide range of application fields such as environmental testing, medical testing, drug testing and food safety.
EXPEC 5210 is equipped with Mass Expert mass spectrometry workstation, including professional mass spectrometry control and quantitative analysis software. It contains thousands of compound standard libraries and rich application method libraries, which greatly reduces the operation difficulty of mass spectrometry software system.
EXPEC 5210 triple quadrupole mass spectrometry consists of:
1.1 P00499-0000 LC-MSMS 5210 host machine 1 set
1.2 P00499-0113 MS accessory kit 1 set
1.3 P00499-0114 LC accessory kit 1 set
1.4 P00499-0208 Vacuum mechanical pump 1 set
1.5 P00499-0318 Flow injection pump 1 set
1.6 P00499-0405 User manual 1 set
1.7 P00499-0802 Liquid phase ultra-high pressure infusion pump (EXPEC) 1 set
1.8 P00499-0900 "Liquid phase autosampler (AS 510, including 2pcs of
48-position sampling trays, uncooled) (EXPEC)" 1 set
1.9 P00499-1100 Solvent tray 1 set
1.10 P00499-0700 Maintenance manual 1 set
Accessories included:
2.4 P00499-9002 6-column oven (CH526, with switching valve and cooling function) 1 set
2.5 P00499-F030 Pump oil (1L/bottle)*2 Use 2 bottles at a time, it is recommended to replace it once a year 2 bottle
2.6 P00499-0537 Tuning solvent (PPG) Used to tune instruments. 1 set
2.7 P00499-0538 Tuning solvent (NAI) Used to tune instruments. 1 set
2.8 P00499-0539 Calibration solution (reserpine) Used to calibrate instruments. 1 set
2.9 P00499-0540 Calibration solution (chloramphenicol) Used to calibrate instruments. 1 set
3.2 P00499-9005 Nitrogen generator-NG-200 membrane separation type Ion source gas supply (purity > 99.5 %); matching gas output connector (can be connected to Φ6 fluorine tube) 1 set
3.3 P00499-9006 "AC parameter voltage stabilizer (15KVA) 1 set
3.4 P00499-9011 APCI ion source 1 set
3.5 P00499-F024 Athena UHPLC C18 LC column 1 set
3.6 P00499-F027 "CNW shell C18 core-shell chromatographic column &2.1*100mmx2.6um" 1 set