pH and Conductivity:1. An evalution of a Jenway Performance pH Electrode2. The Change in pH Electrode Response Times withVarying Water Sample Temperatures 3. Recommended pH Electrode Fill Solutions4. The effect of temperature on conductivity measurementFlame Photometers:1. The Simple Flame Photometric Determination of Calcium 2. The Flame Photometric Determination of Sodium andPotassium in Silicates, Minerals and Ores 3. The Determination of Available Potassium in soils4. Determination of potassium in plant material5. Troubleshooting Flame Photometer ignition6. Determination of calcium in milkSpectrophotometers:1. The quantitative determination of the aspirin content oftablets using UV and Visible wavelength spectroscopy2. Accuracy and precision of the Genova Nano3. Spectrophotometric Protein Assays4. Direct UV protein measurement using the Genova Nano5. Spectrophotometry of chlorophylls a and b