UV/vis Spectrophototmeter model 7205 

Item Code: 720 501

UV/vis Spectrophototmeter model 7205 with a fast colour touchscreen, SBW 5nm, fitted with 10x10mm cell holder, USB stick, 90-240V 50/60Hz multi-voltage power supply unit and Instructions manual CD. Jenway, United Kingdom

Model 7305 UV/Visible range (198-1000nm)

Item Code: 730 501

Model 7305 UV/Visible range (198-1000nm), 5nm SBW spectrophotometer (Operating modes: Abs, T, Conc, Scanning, Quantitation, Kinetics), Resolution 1nm, Accuracy +/- 2nm, Range -0.300 - 2.5Abs. 240 method storage memory. Fitted with 10x10 cell holder, USB port, supplied with 100 disposable cuvettes, instruction manual, Universal power adaptor and cables and PC software on CD ROM with interface cable, Jenway UK

Model Genova Nano single beam, scanning, UV/visible range micro-volume spectrophotometer

Item Code: 737 501

Model Genova Nano single beam, scanning, UV/visible range micro-volume spectrophotometer (198-1000nm) fitted with micro-volume accessory, supplied with single 10 x 10mm cuvette holder, micro-cuvette holder, universal power supply, 4GB USB memory stick, calibration standards and certificate and instruction manual.

Jenway United Kingdom.

Spectrophotometer - 6850 Jenway

Item Code: 6850/230V

Model 6850 Variable Bandwidth Double Beam Spectrophotometer supplied with single cuvette holders (for 10 x 10mm cuvettes in sample and ref), Prism PC Software on CD ROM, USB stick, USB connection cable and dongle, 2 x quartz cuvettes, 4 x glass cuvettes, FREE dust cover and 230V power supply.

Jenway, UK